
New signals from outside the solar system

Suitable electronic circuits used as antennae are capable to detect an unknown signal, showing very similar daily spectrograms even if detectors containing them are placed at a distance of thousand of kilometers from each other independently from environmental conditions or difference in longitude of the different spots where the detectors are placed. The daily spectral features of signals detected at different places still remain the same in the range of mHz where the spectral amplitude reaches a peak. As a matter of fact parts of the spectral patterns captured are time delayed of about (3.944 ± 0.009) min/dies at 95% CL as shown by auto-correlation statistics. There are also evidences of diurnal and annual modulation and the experiments suggest a dependence of the time delayed of signals revealed by two antennae on the relative motion of the Earth with respect to a medium at a speed roughly ranging from about 30 km/s up to 380 km/s. A possible explanations of the modulation of the signal in terms of superposition of at least three streams are briefly discussed at the end of the paper, as well as the problem of the nature of this noise, whether it is electromagnetic from its emission or it is the result of an oscillation of mixing particles. The signal is incredibly so intense as to both cover, at least partially, the amount of dark energy in the universe and to explain cosmological red shift in terms of gravitational red shift.